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Mindfulness x Potential Development

Zoom Seminar(20 people)

"Potential" x  "Intrinsic motivation" = innovation

We will hold an online seminar using the web conference room "Zoom".

スクリーンショット 2017-10-03 14.46.37.png
Published "True Innovation"

Meditation work & dialogue


Participants will thoroughly discuss their current situation, future issues, etc., and wait for the timing to bring "awareness" to themselves. Through this program, we will find new breakthroughs for each other.


Saturday, March 14
15: 00-15: 20: Check-in (break room)
15: 20-15: 50: Overview of True Innovation
15: 50-16: 05: Meditation
16: 05-16: 20: Exciting Treasure Hunting Chart Filling
16: 20-16: 40: In-team dialogue
16: 40-17: 00: Overall share

Cost: 3,000 yen (excluding tax)


Koji Miki
  Kouji Miki
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Representative of enmono Co., Ltd.

Joined Fujitsu Limited. After earning a master's degree in policy and media from Keio University, he went on to a doctoral course, served as an IT venture officer, and was restructured due to business deterioration. I started zazen every morning to recover from the shock. Based on the experience of meditation for one's own mental care and ideas for new businesses through zazen, we started to provide "zenschool", an innovation management method that utilizes mindfulness. Reported in "The Dawn of Gaia" in January 2016. In September 2017, he presided over "Zen 2.0", Japan's first international mindfulness conference at Kenchoji Temple in Kita-Kamakura, and received high praise from domestic and foreign speakers. We are working to make Kamakura a mindful city where Zen and IT are fused. In June 2018, the first single book "True Innovation" was published.

Shigeru Utsunomiya
Shigeru Utsunomiya
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Representative of enmono Co., Ltd.

After graduating from Doshisha University, after 18 years of experience in production engineering at Suzuki Co., Ltd., after working as a production engineering section chief at the town factory, joined NC Network, a small and medium-sized manufacturing support venture, and met Miki. Therefore, he was engaged in sales support such as selection of prototype manufacturers and parts procurement as a manager in charge of production technology and procurement.

After that, in 2009, he started enmono Co., Ltd. with Miki. From the experience of facilitating an idea idea workshop called a power generation conference for two years, he has strengths in extracting ideas for in-house product development.

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