The True Innovation theory is an innovation theory system for taking out "what you really want to do" as a business through deep dialogue conducted under absolute psychological safety assurance through thorough self-disclosure.

What is needed for breakthrough innovation is "speaking"・ Thorough self-disclosure by "listening" and "watching", and absolute psychological safety that allows you to share even the most unusual ideas within a team that cannot be judged as "correct" or "wrong". * 1 These "speaking", "listening", and "watching" components are constructed with reference to "Reflecting Talk" * 2 and "Open Dialogue" * 3, which are family therapies created in Scandinavia. increase.
As a result of such a psychological environment, an individual's self-affirmation will improve and a virtuous cycle will be created in which better ideas will come out. True Innovation theory considers this process very important.
* 1: The True Innovation theory is based on the idea of dialogue by Akira Obata of Socca Co., Ltd., a graduate of zenschool and a dialogue expert.
* 2: Reflecting talk is a family therapy using dialogue started by Norwegian psychiatrist Tom Andersen. In True Innovation theory, one-on-one dialogue between students and instructors is held in front of other students, so that they can replace the business plans of other students as if they were their own. This is a way to improve the accuracy of business ideas and induce dialogue between students.
* 3: Open Dialogue is a method of therapeutic intervention for schizophrenia that has been practiced since the 1980s, mainly by family therapists at Keropdas Hospital in the western Lapland region of Finland.

The process of creating an environment where psychological safety can be guaranteed by the instructor himself making thorough self-disclosure such as his background, religious outlook, illness, family structure, hobbies, personality, educational background, work history, etc.
By concluding a confidentiality agreement between students and building a team to ensure psychological safety based on thorough self-disclosure, we will solidify the team feeling among students and create innovative ideas. If you wake up, we will create a place.
True Innovation
Effect on "creativity"

zenschool is conducting joint research with specialized research institutes related to "happiness studies" * 1. As a result of a questionnaire survey of students, it has been found that "happiness" and "creativity" are greatly improved before and after taking zenschool.
* 1 "Happiness" is a relatively new academic field, "Positive Psychology", "Well Being", an initiative to think about happiness from the standpoint of social welfare, and medicine that reveals the functions of substances in the brain and the brain itself. .. A new discipline that integrates these is called "happiness."
Research papers related to this course and zenschool are published in IPSJ, "Open Service Innovation vol7.No.2" (published in April 2016), so please have a look if you are interested.
Paper "On the possibility of" micro-manufacturing ", an in-house product development method for small and medium-sized manufacturers utilizing crowdfunding"
Koji Miki, Shigeru Utsunomiya
Outline of the treatise: Conventionally, it was thought that "product development of mass-produced hardware is difficult to establish with only small-scale management resources." On the contrary, We will show examples of successful product development by a small and medium-sized enterprise with limited management resources, using a product development method called "micro-manufacturing" that efficiently develops its own products in a short time using crowdfunding. At the same time, it shows the possibility that crowdfunding can be widely used not only for financing but also for market development and marketing. Finally, we give some suggestions for the future that product development methods can also be applied to product development in large companies.
Trre Innovation Theory Book
With only logical thinking
Possibility is killed
True innovation
Happiness x Innovation ・ If you are happy, you can innovate (smiley!)
True Innovation Theory Book
With only logical thinking
Possibility is killed
"Zen-like" dialogue changed employee awareness
True innovation
Commentary: Why am I "smiling" !?
[Takashi Maeno, Professor, Graduate School of System Design and Management, Keio University]

I had you put a photograph on the obi. I'm glad to hear that. However, when I put it on the obi, I usually squeeze some nifty comments, but in the obi of this book, it's small, "Mr. Maeno is also smiling." e? that's all? Is this an ant? It's like that.
I don't think it makes sense why I'm smiling, so let me explain the background.
Although my self-introduction was delayed, I am an innovator, a Buddhist researcher, and a happiness researcher. I am proud of that.
First, when I was a precision maker engineer, I contributed to Japan's first invention of an ultrasonic motor, and at that time my invention became more than fifty registered patents. After working for a manufacturer for nine years, he moved to the Department of Mechanical Engineering at Keio University, where he contributed to the creation of a new tactile research field within the field of robotics. After that, after moving to the Graduate School of System Design and Management, he created a new academic field called Happiness Studies. In this way, I have innovated in terms of product development and academic field creation. Furthermore, recently, we have developed idea idea techniques and analysis methods such as "structural shift idea method", "desire chain analysis", and "impressive STAR analysis". I say it myself, but it's an innovator.
Since 2003, when he wrote the book "Why did the brain make the" heart "" (Chikuma Shobo), he has been studying Buddhism, Zen, and mindfulness. In addition, as I mentioned earlier, I am also doing research on happiness.
Let me tell you the important secret that I found as a result.
"If you are happy, you can innovate, and the person who innovates is a happy person." In short, to innovate, you just have to be happy. And mindfulness is the key to creating a happy mind.
By the time I knew so far, I met Mr. Miki and Mr. Utsunomiya. So, when I visited zenschool, it was an activity that bridged happiness and innovation. it's amazing. funny. So I started to study the effects of zenschool.
In my experience, getting your mind in order, improving your well-being, clarifying what you want to do, and then coming up with an idea has a higher chance of success than just coming up with an idea. This is because happy people have three strong powers: try, manage, and be yourself.
Some American studies show that happy people are three times more creative than unhappy people. Happiness and innovation are deeply linked.
Meditation is one of the various methods at zenschool. The origin of meditation is Buddhism. According to the theory of mindfulness, it is known that meditating and preparing the mind increases productivity and creativity. That's why it's a well-known fact that Google in the United States has adopted a mindfulness program called Search Inside Yourself.
Kamakura is the focus of zenschool. From the name ZEN and the emphasis on meditation and mindfulness, there is an inevitability. It should be said that preparing the mind in Kamakura, where there are many temples and shrines and the samurai culture remains, is naturally suitable for innovative activities. I'm sure Genji and Hojo also came up with new ideas in Kamakura.
By the way, there are various denominations in Buddhism, but one of them, "Zen sect," is called Zen School in English. Therefore, zenschool is easily misunderstood as a Buddhist sect in English. When I made a presentation about zenschool at the international conference of the International Association of Positive Psychology, I took great care not to be misunderstood.
Now, let's get back to the method.
The "exciting treasure hunting chart" is also good. Is this a decent technique just by looking at the name? Some people may be skeptical, but it is also known in the research of the idea idea technique called the matrix method that it is easy to come up with ideas by multiplying strengths and issues, and this is an advanced version.
In addition, there are various unique classifications such as "me to innovation," "true innovation," "turtle innovation," and "rabbit innovation." At first glance, these unusual innovation methods are quirky, but they are easy to understand and useful when used.
As a result of making full use of these methods, zenschool is characterized by the fact that managers and office workers actually generate innovation with a higher probability. The main customers so far are the owners of small and medium-sized enterprises in the manufacturing industry. Recently, interesting results have begun to appear not only in the manufacturing industry but also in the fields of AI (artificial intelligence) and medical treatment. In addition, a wide variety of innovations have been created, including services, audio equipment, and facilities such as museums.
Even so, it's kind of creepy that the owners of small and medium-sized enterprises are being repeatedly insulted with fun innovations, while large companies are suffering from the fact that our company is suffering from innovation. ..
Large companies may say. No, it's difficult because we're using high tech to innovate on a larger market. Isn't the idea in this book quite childish or childish?
No, the idea of a large company is wrong. If you have a pure heart like a child, open your heart, liven up your excitement, and make the most of your strengths, you will be happy. And happy people can come up with ideas and create interesting innovations that are accepted by the market. There is no high or low level of innovation. Customers will be happy
If it is done, that is, if it is accepted by the market, it is innovation.
I haven't announced it yet, but let me tell you the results of my research with my wife. Comparing before and after zenschool, most people have higher happiness. on second thoughts.
Happiness improvement is an innovation of the mind. I change my mind. The inside changes. And at the same time, innovative ideas change the world. The outside world changes. The outer surface changes. In other words, zenschool is an innovation on the inside and outside. It is totally inclusive. It's holistic. It is Eastern thought. That's why you can really innovate. True Innovation.
The participants of zenschool, of course, all seem to have fun. Both the inside and the outside, that is, everyone is happy. It's a smile. wonderful. Creating a happy society. It is the beginning of world peace. I would like everyone to experience such a wonderful activity once.
In short, zenschool is my favorite symbolic activity that integrates innovation, Buddhism, and happiness. It is a practical knowledge that should be transmitted from Japan to the world in the future. Moreover, it is unique. Therefore, zenschool is a good research material for me as a researcher. Ah, it's wonderful. Both can change the world. Ah, it's fun. excited. My treasure. from now on
Is even more fun.
And I'm involuntarily smiling.