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Metaverse course information

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Japan's largest metaverse community

We are operating a community in which more than 4,500 people, one of the largest in Japan, participate in the facebook group. Information on Metaverse and sharing of know-how that we have tried are updated every day. Events related to the Metaverse are also held weekly, so you can get friends who are interested in the Metaverse.
​ Anyone can participate for free.
​Developed lunar exploration robot and contracted with NASA
The lunar rover YAOKI developed by the company founded by Mr. Shinichiro Nakajima, who graduated from zenschool, will carry out Japan's first lunar exploration in 2022 on the Astrobotic lunar module Peregrine. .. Raised a total of 100 million yen in sponsorship .
(*) Participated in NASA's monthly transportation mission CLPS (Commercial Lunar Payload Services) for the first time in Japan.
(*) The YAOKI project has been adopted by TOSHIN Start Up Design and will be promoted in partnership with Toshin Seisakusho. Mr. Ishihara, CEO of Toshin Seisakusho, is also a graduate of zenschool, and the collaboration between the graduates led to such a feat.
​Moon exploration rover "YAOKI" video
Providing services to famous foreign-affiliated companies
​Zen Eating, which was founded by Momoe, who graduated from zenschool, provides services to people all over the world, including famous foreign-affiliated companies.
  ​ Click here for Zen Eating.
​The dialogue with Momoe who asked about his thoughts at zenschool is as follows
Interview video
​Raised 5.7 billion yen for flying car development
SKYDRIVE Inc. , which was founded by Tomohiro Fukuzawa, who graduated from zenschool, has raised a total of 5.7 billion yen for the development of "flying cars" and is working toward practical use.
  ​ Click here for SKYDRIVE Inc.
​The dialogue with Mr. Fukuzawa who asked about the development process and thoughts is as follows
​SKYDRIVE Inc. Video


Saved by Zen practice and use that wisdom to innovate the world

The opportunity to create the innovation course, zenschool

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Founded Zen 2.0, the world's largest international conference on Zen and mindfulness from Kamakura

Miki , the founder of enmono, developed depression after experiencing restructuring due to the Lehman shock in 2008, and with the experience saved by the practice of "Zen", Zen 2.0 was used as a "thank you" to Zen with his friends. Founded.
The international conference, which was initially started with four people, has grown into the world's largest international conference on Zen and mindfulness in five years. With this success, we realized that the transformation of the mind by practicing "Zen" could bring out the potential of human beings, and we are incorporating that essence into this school of innovation.

Please see in an interview from the Organization for Small & Medium Enterprises and Regional Innovation TIP * S, why many innovations are created from zenschool through the practice and dialogue of zazen.

Why is it from Kamakura?

  In the era of Corona, the world economy is entering a completely uncertain era. This was exactly the same as in the Kamakura period, when war and epidemics were widespread.

Hojo Tokiyori, the leader of the time, prepared his spirit in such a turbulent era, thought that "Zen" was necessary for his reign, and built a dojo specializing in Zen Buddhism in Kamakura. History has begun.


Headquartered in Kamakura, the "City of Samurai", we prepare ourselves to survive the turbulent times of VUCA. We will foster a new generation of true global leaders in the businesses we create.

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To create an endogenous motivational innovator like Steve Jobs

A program based on the True Innovation® theory developed over 10 years

This program was born out of a 10-year trial-and-error process of eliciting intrinsic motives within an individual through mindfulness meditation, thorough self-disclosure, and deep dialogue. , It is operated based on the original innovation theory "True Innovation®" theory.
 In " zenschool Kamakura " or " zenschoolVR " ( with VR headset rental ),Through thorough self-disclosure, we will hold a reflecting talk in a place of absolute psychological safety. After that, we take out the product concept based on the intrinsic motivation, make a business plan, make a prototype and realize it. By following up on the extracted concept through a dialogue with us, we will implement the organization and promote commercialization within the business entity of the company.

   With the global expansion of the new coronavirus, the global economy is entering an era in which the future is completely uncertain. What is required in such an era is the ability to be aware of one's physical sensations, make appropriate decisions, and act on that basis.

  They are "concentration" that concentrates on the task in front of you, "charity" that brings the team together while understanding the hearts and emotions of team members, and notices your own physical voice to determine the optimal consciousness. It will be "decision power" to do things, "resilience" that will not break even in a stressful environment, and "creativity" that can create new things from scratch.


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Implemented zenschool in VR using Spatial 's Metaverse platform.

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Using Spatial 's Metaverse platform, we will interact while moving in various spaces.

Business creation in the after-corona era

What is the mental ability required for?

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True Innovation® Theoretical Innovation Process

The True Innovation® theory is a unique theory for innovation that has been repeatedly practiced and built through 10 years of trial and error in the innovation program zenschool®.


Koji Miki
  Kouji Miki
Shigeru Utsunomiya
Shigeru Utsunomiya
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Representative of enmono Co., Ltd.

Joined Fujitsu Limited. After earning a master's degree in policy and media from Keio University, he went on to a doctoral course, served as an IT venture officer, and was restructured due to business deterioration. I started zazen every morning to recover from the shock. Started offering "zenschool", an innovation management method that utilizes mindfulness, based on the experience of meditation for one's own mental care and ideas for new businesses through zazen. Reported in "The Dawn of Gaia" in January 2016. In September 2017, he presided over "Zen 2.0", Japan's first international mindfulness conference, at Kenchoji Temple in Kita-Kamakura, and received high praise from domestic and foreign speakers. Held for five consecutive years, it has grown to become the world's largest international conference on Zen and mindfulness. We are working to make Kamakura a mindful city where Zen and IT are fused.

Click here for career details


After graduating from Doshisha University, after 18 years of experience in production engineering at Suzuki Co., Ltd., after working as a production engineering section chief at the town factory, joined NC Network, a small and medium-sized manufacturing support venture, and met Miki. Therefore, he was engaged in sales support such as selection of prototype manufacturers and parts procurement as a manager in charge of production technology and procurement.

After that, in 2009, he started enmono Co., Ltd. with Miki. From the experience of facilitating an idea idea workshop called a power generation conference for two years, he has strengths in extracting ideas for in-house product development.

enmono books

​A book that does what you really want to do

Koji Miki  (Author),  Shigeru Utsunomiya  (Author)
■ Publisher: Ten Books 
■ Price: 2,000 yen + consumption tax ■ Released on April 12, 2013
■ Written by Koji Miki ■ Publisher: CCC Media House Co., Ltd. ■ Price: 1,600 yen + consumption tax ■ Released on June 1, 2018


zenschool develops student potential .

In zenschool, True  Based on the Innovation® theory, we will discover the " potential " of the students through dialogue with the students. At the same time, work using mindfulness meditation takes out " intrinsic motivation" and multiplies "potential" x "intrinsic motivation" to extract the business concept.

Potential is your ability that you think is "no big deal". However, even if you think that it is "no big deal", it is an excellent ability from the perspective of the first edition. You can create real innovation by combining your abilities with what you really want to do.
Mr. Kajikawa , the president of Fujita Corporation, and Miki, the representative of our company, at the Metal Museum Factory Art Museum TOYAMA from the Toyama-cho factory, which was generated with the funds raised by crowdfunding.

What We Do

Our secret?

The secret of zenschool?


Do not give "answers" to students

(Do not take the opportunity to notice yourself )

Most of the students who have been outsourced work can provide solutions if given a task, but none can find the task themselves.

   By declaring "I will not give an answer" as instructors, the students themselves will begin to ask themselves questions to find out their intrinsic motivation (what they really wanted to do).
   This will gradually allow you to set the assignment yourself. As a result, students' original assignments will be found and solutions (products / services) will be created for them.
   zenschool gives knowledge, but never the "answer".
In developing our own products / services, the "answer" is something special within the individual.
In the course, we will perform mindfulness meditation, and then use the " Waku Waku Treasure Hunting Chart " to thoroughly pursue what is "exciting" for each participant.
We will thoroughly discuss with the instructors and the members of the participants in order to make the "intrinsic motivation: what I really wanted to do" derived from it into a product / service with our own technology. In a fictitious case study, we will consider how to approach our own products / services that could not be our own (my own) as our own products / services that realize our own "excitement". You will be able to do it.

After the final announcement of the course, you can get the practice of WEB marketing and the evaluation of the market by posting it on the crowdfunding etc. operated by our company and raising the funds for product / service development. We have made these processes into books .
"In-house product development without fighting-philosophy and practice-"
You can download it for free.

"In-house product development without fighting-philosophy and practice-"

We have held seminars and consulting for 9 years of in-house product development, and summarized the accumulated tips in one easy-to-understand book. We provide a summary of methods and ideas for working on in-house product development.


AI イノベーション 自社製品 セミナーは鎌倉のZENschool:ゼンスクール|マインドフルネスを応用したトゥルーイノベーション理論に基づく各種ワークからの事業実現

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