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​ Mindful Business

Mindful business

When "mindfulness" is expressed in Chinese characters, it becomes the Chinese character "Nen", which is the sum of the Chinese characters "now" (now) and "heart" (heart). In other words, your mind is full of attention, your mind is not diffused somewhere, and you are 100% focused on everything that is happening around you.

In Zen language, it can be rephrased as "samadhi".

By cutting out "meditation", which has been used in traditional religions such as Buddhism, as a tool and eliminating religiousness, by utilizing meditation, we can concentrate on our concentration and EQ, This activity aims to improve stress resistance. Today, it is used in the field of alternative medicine, education, and management.

  There are various theories that the origin of mindfulness is Zen or Early Buddhism, but there is also a theory that its origin is based on Sati (awareness) in Theravada Buddhism. But I don't know the exact point.

Looking at the history of Japanese Zen mission to the United States, the Rinzai sect of Japan, Soyen Shaku, gave a lecture in English for the first time at the Parliament of the World Religions held in Chicago in 1893. After that, Daisetsu Suzuki, a disciple of Soyen Shaku, stayed for a long time mainly in the United States twice from 1949 to 1958, and spread Zen to Western society. Another disciple, Nyogen Senzaki, taught Zen to Nikkei and Americans, including the "floating Zendo" in San Francisco from 1922, and gave lectures on Japanese culture. am. After that, it rushed into the Pacific War, and the activity of Japanese Buddhism in the United States temporarily weakened.

After the war, in the 1950s and 1960s, many Americans went to Zen meditation after the establishment of several Zen dojos centered on the Soto sect in California, USA. There was a boom in some mysticism that linked the affected Americans with counterculture and more. Steve Jobs was one of the Americans who attended Zen meditation.

After this movement, Zen gradually melted into the United States from California in the 1970s and 1980s. After that, in the 2000s, it was empirical that the managers and employees of Silicon Valley IT ventures practiced meditation, which was effective in reducing stress, improving concentration, and facilitating relationships within the organization. I found out.

Recently, the effects of measuring brain waves, such as strengthening the concentration of meditation and reducing stress, are being scientifically proven, and many research papers from the medical approach of meditation have been published at the Stanford University School of Medicine in the United States. There are even formal meditation classes at Stanford University.

Initially, mindfulness was often introduced in venture companies such as Google, Facebook, and LinkedIn, but now, in the IT industry, well-established Intel and others are educating 100,000 employees around the world. We have introduced a training program that incorporates meditation into the workshop.

In Europe and the United States, transformative services and mindful-related businesses have been launched for about five years, with the business of providing this state of mindfulness to the general public and companies. It is expected that businesses that provide this mindful state will start up in Japan as well.


An article about this mindful business is reported in the Japanese version of Life Haker.

Life Hacker Japanese version article

"The possibility of a" mindfulness business "that is enthusiastically explored in the United States. Introducing to famous companies and scientific research progressing ”

Trying to define a mindful business

Until now, mindful business has been considered only in the so-called "education" category, such as training for the general public and companies, but let's dare to redefine mindful business from a new perspective. I think.

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   Regarding our definition, I would like to define "definition of mindful business" as "business aimed at improving mental ability".


As an element of improving people's hearts, "charity" is a heart that is indispensable for working as a team and is caring for others. Improving "concentration" to do things, "decision" to make optimal decisions from physical senses, improving resilience to stress required in modern society, and most needed by many companies , It will be five of improvement of "creativity (power)" necessary for innovation.


Previously, mindful business was limited to some areas such as corporate training, personal counseling, or alternative medicine. However, even in areas where the sprouting of "mindful" has sprung up in each industry in the last few years and is generally considered to be unrelated to the mindful business, it is actually becoming "mindful".


So I thought that every industry today already includes a business that aims to create a "mindful" state.


For example, even in the "IoT" industry that is popular nowadays, by catching vital information of the human body with a sensor like MUSE , giving biofeedback to itself, and monitoring one's own condition, " This is because gadgets that create "mindful state" by themselves are appearing.


Also in the AI (artificial intelligence) industry, although it is a tentative story, by listening to the story of the person who is having trouble, it will bring a comforting effect to the person's heart, and it will be a dialogue like a Zen question and answer. If an AI that raises awareness and helps people grow their minds by doing so, it will be fully in the category of mindful business.


In other words, each industry already includes products and services that "aim for a mindful state", and if they are cut out and added together, it will be roughly the size of the "mindful business" global market. So what? I thought roughly.

Customer image and values in the mindful economy

We envision that the consumer attributes of the businesses created in the mindful economy will be the wealthy in a limited number of developed countries such as the United States, parts of Europe, and Japan. They are in the wealthy category of countries where capitalism is widespread and goods and services are already abundant in developed countries, and the living base is stable in such wealthy people. In addition, I think that we already have the necessary foundations for daily life such as homes and cars.

In the mindful economy, which is a market where many mindful businesses are provided, we have divided the values that customers feel are four and defined them as follows.


   It is the basic function of the products and services provided. For example, a washing machine can do the minimum amount of laundry, and a refrigerator means that the food in the refrigerator is cooled to a set temperature. For example, in Japan, the value of "Showa" in products and services was emphasized because the basic functions of the products and services up to now were lacking in the products and services. However, with the passage of time from Showa to Heisei, the value of its function has been relatively halved and changed. Comparing the function and other values from Showa to Heisei, it is defined as being at the stage of just half or half.

2.   Design

Design continued to be one of the most important factors when consumers choose products and services. In the era, it was the end of the Showa period, and sometimes the products and services were so important that they surpassed functionality. It became an important value. By the end of Heisei, "design" had become a great addition to the largest products in terms of functionality. However, on the other hand, design-oriented values have the negative effect of stopping the product life cycle and sometimes making all products and services look very similar because they change according to trends. It was.

3.​  Experience  (Experience)

In the mindful economy, we believe that the value of "experience", including the product value, for the target customers is extremely large. As in other developed countries, the experience value in Japan has been increasing in Heisei, and at the end of Heisei, this experience value has become a large proportion for general consumers.

Four.Social / Loaclity

The target customers of the Mindful Economy are those who have experienced many products and services in the capital economy so far, so to speak, who have fully benefited from capital protection and have been trained in various products and services. For such trained customers, what is ahead of traditional capitalism is mindful business, which is offered as a commercial activity, and such customers have the products and services they purchase. What kind of contribution is made to the local community and how much can be contributed to what environment is important.

5. Self-transformation(Self-transformation)

This concept is easily confused with the Experience mentioned in 1 above, but it is a different concept from the "Experience" in the marketing world. Experience, which is defined in marketing, loses the memory and consciousness transformation that come from the experience over time, but Self-transformation is "irreversible." It is defined. In other words, a user who has once experienced a Self-transformation experience will have a significant change in the values within the individual, and the state of consciousness will change irreversibly, unlike before the experience. We assume that the ultimate goal of the products and services offered in the mindful economy is for products aimed at self-transformation.

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​Product value related to consumer products and services that change with the times

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I tried to express the changes in the values of consumers' products and services, which are the targets of mindful business, in an easy-to-understand era that Japanese people can easily understand.

Showa values:

It was an era when products needed to perform the basic functions they needed in the consumer market. Therefore, it can be said that the first thing that emphasized functionality was the values of the Showa period. However, by the time the era changed from Showa to Heisei, general consumers gradually began to seek value other than functionality. The big part was the design.

Heisei values:

In the values of the Heisei era, general consumers have gradually focused on values other than the functions of products and services. It is said to be added value, but at the end of the Heisei era, the values (design, experience, sociality) of functionality and non-functional parts are just 50% each. Is it not?

New era values:

Japan will be a new era this year. Japan is entering a new era. What do you think is important for Japan, a developed country where goods and services are everywhere, and for the leading customer base?


In this new era, the basic functions of products and services that customers place importance on will be commonplace, and the emphasis will be on design, experience, and sociality. And I think that the customer's sense of values beyond that is the self-transformatoin. This has led to the current trend of mindfulness, and we believe that more and more customers will find value in products and services that have elements that can cause self-transformation.

​Mindful business market size

How big is the market?
How big is the mindfulness market? From the question, even if I searched for overseas survey reports, I couldn't find those numbers.
By searching overseas websites, I was able to find such articles in the magazine Fortune and the market size of MBSR (Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction Program) compiled by NYC officials.In the first place, the mindfulness market may not have started yet, and it seems very difficult to predict the market that has not started.
(Updated on December 5, 2018 :) In November 2018, a small conference called "TRANSTECH" was held in San Francisco, and the transform technology (Mindful Business category) presented at that conference. The size of the overlapping market is estimated to be 300 trillion yen. It is a scale that exceeds our estimate of 211 trillion yen, but we recognize that it will be tens of billions of yen, which we expected, which is the same as us. First of all, I have summarized below what kind of market categories there are as a mindfulness business.
1. IoT & Manufacturing
Consider the expectations of the mindfulness market in the IoT and manufacturing markets. With the boom in mindfulness, more and more people are doing zazen and meditation at home.

If you are blessed with a Zen temple near your home, I think you should go to the temple regularly and give guidance, but for mediators who do not, use IoT to meditate. I think there will be a need to assist.

Therefore, in the IoT market as well, products that assist in mindfulness meditation, such as MUSE , which was mentioned earlier, are expected to appear. It is thought that vital sensors such as sensors specialized for mindfulness are also included. This number was calculated very roughly with reference to existing market data.
Postscript: In the article of Venture Beat in the United States on February 7, 2019, the development of the Mindful App in the United States as the first unicorn company in the mindful business (* Unicorn is a company whose market value is 100 billion yen or more). We are reporting on the company Calm. It is reported that it has raised 9 billion yen as Series A and has a corporate value of 110 billion yen.
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Please see here for a news article about the mindful app development company "Calm", which became a unicorn company with a corporate value of over 100 billion yen for the first time as a mindfulness-related company. (Source: Venture Beast)

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Homepage of Calm, a mindful app development company

2. Autonomous driving / AI / robot field


Not only in IoT devices such as Muse, but also in the mobility field such as automobiles in the future, we will acquire human body data such as heart rate, body temperature, respiratory rate from the driver's steering wheel of the car, predict the psychological state of the driver, and the driver It is possible to think of a mechanism that guides the psychological state of the vehicle to the optimum one for driving.


For example, if the driver's mental state is in an excited state, there is actually a category of devices that provide calming music and smells in the car to optimize the psychological state and reduce the accident rate. It will be an approach to improve the mental ability (concentration) of the person, so I think we will enter a mindful business.


Similarly, by using vital sensors to read biometric information and then skip data to the cloud to perform calculations, it will be possible to infer the psychological state, and various devices that can understand the human mind will be created. increase.


By the way, Mindfulness has been added to the category of health data in the data logger that cooperates as Apple Watch even with Apple's latest IOS10 and acquires biometric data, so in the future, mindfulness will be You can see how the needs are increasing, and this trend will accelerate.

In addition, as another example, in the concept of "AI bike with personality " recently announced by Kawasaki Heavy Industries, "Emotion engine / natural language dialogue system" developed by cocoro SB of Softbank Group is utilized. AI understands intentions and emotions from the words spoken by the rider, and communicates using language. Utilizing the "emotion engine / natural language dialogue system" developed by cocoro SB of Softbank Group. AI understands intentions and emotions from the words spoken by the rider, and communicates using language. " It has been with.


This concept is to gradually change the setting of the motorcycle from the user's emotions, but in the future it will calm the user's mind through sound, vibration, dialogue, etc., and will be in the optimum psychological state for driving. I think it can be arranged.


In this way, the "emotion engine" that reads human emotions from biometric information such as user's voice, body temperature, and heartbeat is expected to become a very important technology to be incorporated into various devices and robots in the future. An OS that incorporates this emotion engine may become the core technology of AI / robot technology in the future.

3. Education


The education field is the most straightforward mindfulness business field. As a result of introducing mindfulness into the educational program, it is said that the ability of the human mind, such as "concentration", resilience (stress resistance), and "creativity", is improved.


Even in developed countries, class collapse has become a serious problem due to the lack of concentration of children in public schools in poor areas, but introducing mindfulness in such an educational environment is a problem for children. Studies on the stability of the mind, the improvement of "concentration", and the resulting improvement of academic ability have also been announced at academic conferences on positive psychology in Europe.


In particular, the introduction of a mindfulness program centered on meditation is considered as an effective means of raising the level of public education by investing cheaply because it is not necessary to purchase physical ones and the introduction is not so costly. It seems that it has been done.


If the academic ability level of children in public educational institutions rises, the graduated children will become the working-age population in 15 to 20 years, and the income level of the local residents who are the working-age population will rise, and as a result, the residence tax can be expected to improve. It seems that he is also thinking.


Also, in this field, not only compulsory education but also mindfulness is expected in adult education.

For example, in categories such as corporate training, there is leadership education " Search Inside Yourself " that has already been introduced by Google and SAP. It is expected to have effects such as resilience to stress and improvement of creativity, and it is expected that the possibility of future development will be greatly increased.


In the case of compulsory education, a report called Mindful Nation UK , compiled by volunteer members of the British Parliament, reports on the potential for the introduction of British mindfulness, not only in public education. Instead, the introduction of mindfulness in prisons is advocated. In the UK, there seems to be a bipartisan parliamentary coalition in the British Parliament that supports mindfulness, and the British Parliament also conducted a three-minute meditation by parliamentarians.

" MINDFUL NATION UK " Report by Volunteers of the British Parliament

4. Healthcare

Mindfulness improves resilience to stress and boosts immunity, according to research conducted mainly by the medical school of the University of Massachusetts in the United States.


Even in major Japanese companies, there are many employees who have particularly mental problems these days, and it can be expected that mindfulness will help those employees to improve their mental problems. In this field, not only B2C but also B2B market needs are very high, so mindfulness workshops for companies are actively introduced mainly in Europe and the United States.


In addition, some hospitals in the United States have introduced mindfulness for patients with severe pain and have achieved results, so mindfulness in the medical field is advancing mainly in developed countries. Probably.


In addition, with the development of artificial intelligence, AI will be introduced that utilizes voice recognition technology even at home, is performed on the cloud connected by the Internet, and feedback is returned. By grasping the psychological state of a person using various sensors, it is expected that the market for AI coaching and AI mentoring that will calm the person's mind will expand.

Until now, the tourism industry has mainly focused on sightseeing spots such as scenic spots. Sightseeing in the future is called "retreat", such as visiting power spots for the purpose of healing.

There will be more hands-on tours that incorporate yoga and mindful meditation.


In the "retreat", you can receive meditation instruction by a meditation instructor at temples and shrines and spiritual places in nature, enter a natural forest, and look back at yourself in the silence in the forest. In order to improve the ability of people's minds, instead of going to the tourist spots so far and buying things to look up, you can take a "retreat tour" or take a look at yoga for retreat participants. I think we will also need hotels and inns with studios and facilities for meditation.

5. Art


Inspired by the images that came out during meditation and Zen meditation, the works and music that were created will become more and more popular in the future.


In fact, many creators at home and abroad have attended Zen dojos inspired by Zen and meditation, and that trend will continue to accelerate. The number of creative people such as artists and novelists who practice Zen and meditation will increase.


6. Content industry


This category also overlaps with entertainment, but content that "provides awareness" to people, such as music, movies, anime, novels, and manga, will increase.


In the field of books, books in the category called "self-development" have already been established not only in Japan but also overseas. In some cases, sales of related books are becoming more frequent and best-selling.


Also, in the field of movies, works in the same category of "self-development" and "awareness" will spread not only to fiction but also to documentaries.


7. Finance


  "Finance" and "mindfulness" may have different images, but they are long-term funds that can see people's faces, such as "Kamakura Investment Management" and "Sawakami Investment Trust". In some cases, project-sympathetic crowdfunding, social lending such as P2P loans, or categories such as microfinance, along with lenders and borrowers, lend and invest based on mindful thinking. Since it will be necessary to do it, I incorporated it into the estimation as part of the mindful business.



8. Sightseeing


Until now, the tourism industry has mainly focused on sightseeing spots such as scenic spots. From now on, sightseeing will increase to visit power spots for the purpose of healing, and experience-based tours that incorporate yoga and mindful meditation called "retreat" in such places.


In the "retreat", you can receive meditation instruction by a meditation instructor at temples and shrines and spiritual places in nature, enter a natural forest, and look back at yourself in the silence in the forest. In order to improve the ability of people's minds, instead of going to the tourist spots so far and buying souvenirs, you can take a "retreat tour" or a yoga studio for retreat participants. I think we will also need hotels and inns with facilities for meditation.

In fact, according to a survey conducted in 2919 by the online travel agency Agoda in seven countries: Japan, Australia, China, Israel, Saudi Avia, the Philippines and the Arab Federation, all the surveys on what you want to experience while traveling in 2019. Self-care retreats rank second in the age group. It seems that a big trend of mindful tourism is coming. Click here for the details of the article.

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9. Entertainment (games, amusement, outdoors, leisure, sports)

In the fields of online games, game apps, amusement parks, sports, etc., there will be more things to improve and notice people's mental abilities.

The major changes are the combination of yoga and mindfulness meditation in the outdoor and sports fields, and the combination of "mindfulness meditation" with various existing sports such as "trail running" X "mindfulness". Sports will increase.


As the number of "existing sports" x "mindful" increases, it will be necessary to develop clothing suitable for outdoor meditation, yoga mats, or gear such as sitting cloth.


In addition, classrooms and workshops that teach newly created mindful sports will be created.

The image is that new sports categories such as mindful running , which is a combination of the following mindfulness X running, will be created more and more.


In the future, sports will not only be physical training, but also a new category of "mindfulness sports" that will train the brain and mind with the aim of raising the level of human consciousness.

In Sedona, USA​ Enjoy meditation after the trail

2025 Mindful Business Market Same as Brazil's GDP

Mindful business market: 211.8 trillion yen

  1. IoT & Manufacturing: 9 trillion yen (manufacturing equipment to measure happiness)
  2. Cars / AI / Robots: 34.4 trillion yen (autonomous driving support, AI, robots)
  3. Education: 40 trillion yen (happiness, zenschool, lifeschool, etc.)
  4. Healthcare: 52 trillion yen (preventive medicine, mental care, etc.)
  5. Art: 6.7 trillion yen
  6. Content industry: 1.2 trillion yen
  7. Finance: 1.4 trillion yen (Kamakura Investment Management, CF, social lending, etc.)
  8. Tourism: 14.6 trillion yen
  9. Entertainment-related: 52.7 trillion yen (sports, outdoors, games, leisure)

The calculation method of this figure is very "rough", which is to roughly predict how much it is likely to shift to "mindful business" from the existing figures of the industrial field market size currently available. It is a calculation method.

If you look only at these numbers, you might misunderstand that "Wow, the era of mindfulness business will come from tomorrow!"

Actually, it is not the image that a mindful business will start up completely, but the market size including the mindfulness element will gradually increase over 9 years in the existing market. It is an image that increases.

I think that many people think that this number is quite a large furoshiki number, but this is an image of what we are feeling now.

We operate the mindful business program " zenschool " that we have developed for event managers for small and medium-sized enterprises, venture companies, and large enterprises as an entrepreneurship school to create such mindful business. We have already reached the 22nd term. Graduates are creating a wide variety of products and services , and every day I feel that the human mind has infinite abilities. We are holding a workshop for you to experience it if you like, so please consider participating.

​Mindful business advocate

代表取締役: 三木康司


 慶應義塾大学 政策・メディア研究科 後期博士課程単位取得退学
その後、慶應義塾大学、藤沢キャンパス(SFC)にてインターネットを活用した経営 戦略を研究するため、自費留学。同校にて政策・メディア修士号を取得後、博士課程へ進学、リサーチを兼ねて中小製造業支援ベンチャーに 入社するが、業務多忙のため博士課程は学位を取得せず単位取得後退学。同社は国内最大規模の製造業ポータルサイトに成長、IT担当役員を務めた後、事業悪化に伴いリストラされる。
リストラのショックで軽度のうつ状態に陥るが、自身の心のケアのため毎朝の坐禅を自宅で開始、その後、坐禅により心の安定と、様々な事業アイデアが生み出されることを自ら体感し、それを中小企業の自社製品開発、新規事業に応用する中小企業のためのzenschool(ゼンスクール)を構想。2009年だれもがメーカーになれる、「マイクロモノづくり」の概念を普及するために、株式会社enmono を独立、起業。2018年6月、いままでの実績をまとめた「True Innovation」を出版。
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​A book about mindful business

True innovation that changed employee awareness through "Zen-like" dialogue  Book (soft cover)  – 2018/6/1
Koji Miki   (Author),  Takashi Maeno  (others)     1,728 yen
Content introduction
Innovation that succeeds in the AI era is derived from "passion".
However, humans do not know how to find the "true" "passion" that sleeps in them.
What is true innovation?
It ’s a unique “real” innovation,
It is an innovation that is "true" to oneself who is not anyone else.
In recent years, when trying to create new projects, products and services, it is common to use methods such as "logical thinking," "design thinking," "lean startup," and "open innovation" derived from Europe and the United States. However, relying solely on these methods of hearing the target market and accumulating data-based facts will result in similar ideas flooding the market. Because facts are just something that anyone can reach at any company. Ideas derived from similar facts lack uniqueness.
Passion is more important than logic to create truly groundbreaking innovation (true innovation) like no other. The "what you really want to do (what you want)" that is only in your heart is highly original, which is different from the result of market research. However, "true" passion tends to be hazy due to factors such as an individual's position in society and prejudice, and there is a trick to finding it. And the trick was in the Zen question and answer.
This book publishes a method for the author, who has produced a number of successful innovators in a unique innovation creation course that emphasizes "dialogue" called "zenschool", to find "true excitement". What is the technology of "dialogue" that produces innovation that produces results, which was taken up in "The Dawn of Gaia Special Nikkei" (TV Tokyo)? Professor, Graduate School of System Design and Management, University Graduate School.
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