zenschool is a school
where management finds what he wants to do from the bottom of his heart
What is zenschool
Zenschool, the management It is a school that finds what you want to do from the bottom of your heart.
Thanks to you, we have already entered the 16th period since opening.
Among them, some companies have exceeded 30 million yen in sales of their products, while others have grown beyond 390% of sales before the course.
All companies (13 companies) posting projects that came up with concepts with zenschool succeeded in raising funds and then actually made them B2C products / services.
What We Do
We can produce our own products.
We can create our own products making full use of our own technical capabilities.
As of September 2016, students who created their own products and services so far will be about 40%.
Product introduction is here .
Sales of core business will increase.
By posting products created using our own technology on crowd funding, we can attract attention to media companies.
As a result, we will become PR of our own technology which we have not known so far, and in addition to sales of our products, new orders from our main business will increase sharply.
Almost all the graduates that produced their own products have reported results that their core business will grow.
It leads to recruitment.
A company that almost never adopted a new graduation every year since graduating from zenschool, created a new service and PR for sale, as a result of being taken up in various media, the recognition of the company has improved and 10 graduate school graduates are issued There are cases that succeeded in particular.

Our secret?
zenschool's secret
zenschool PV
The secret of zenschool
is we don't give students any "answers".
Most of the students who have worked on consignment can provide solutions if given tasks, but there is no one who can find the problem themselves.
By declaring that we are lecturers, "I will not give you the answer", students will begin to ask themselves to find out what they wanted to do from the bottom of their heart.
By doing this, you will be able to gradually set up assignments. As a result, the problem of the student original is found, and a solution (product / service) against it will be created.
Zenschool gives you knowledge but never gives you an "answer".
In our own product / service development "answer" is a special thing in individual person.
In the lecture, I will meditate Maidfulness, then use the "exciting treasure hunting chart" to thoroughly pursue what everyone is "excited about" for each participant.
We will discuss thoroughly with lecturers and participants' members in order to make products / services with "our own technology" that we derived from "the self I wanted to do". In a fictitious case study, I will capture the way of approaching my company's products / services that I could not be self-directed as my own product / service that realizes my "excitement" It will be able to do.
And after the final presentation of the course, you can obtain the practice of WEB marketing and the market evaluation by posting on the crowdfunding zenmonooperated by our company and financing the product / service development fund.
We have made these processes books.


Day 1: Team Building --Meditation (12h)
I will acquire the basic knowledge of micro-manufacturing, learning with zenschool.
Zenschool We will make an ice break for students and lecturers to come up with it.
We meditate with the chair zen meditation as a method of internal appearance to get out of excitement.
Taking excitement with Wakuwaku treasure hunting chart.

Day 2: Product concept (12h)
Taking excitement with exciting treasure hunting chart.
We will put it in the concept sheet from the thrilled excitement.
From the thrilled excavator, we spin off the business story using a storyboard etc.

Day 3: Cloud Funding --Business Plan (12h)
Discuss the case of animation posted in Cloud Funding and discuss factors of success and factors of failure.
Learn about press releases as a media strategy to attract attention to projects posted on Cloud Funding.
I will learn about value setting. (Pricing strategy and cost accounting)
Introduction of direct marketing, Amazon fulfillment, Google Analytics, etc.
Fill out business background, concept, positioning, business model etc. n the business planning sheet (presentation material)

Final accomplishment presentation
We will rehearse carefully before announcement.
Presentation time is 15 minutes + question and answer 15 minutes. Unlike ordinary business plan contest, we can collect team members who sympathize with business at this place, do team building and get "temporary order" from participants concerning products and services of immediate interest on the spot Such a mechanism is prepared.
Also, we encourage all participants to sign a confidentiality oath affixed to everyone, we try not to leak intellectual property to the outside.

Follow Up
12 months: Follow up
Over the course of 12 months, we will follow up on the progress of our graduates online using Google Hangouts for about an hour every month. During this follow-up period, some graduates are greatly growing, largely pivoting the business or acquiring the budget.

We will use the idea room of Hiroaki Nishimura Design Co., Ltd. for the location of zenschool. It is isolated from everyday space, surrounded entirely by white board, and where you can focus on discussion, you can make your own product plan.
Hiroaki Nishimura Design Co., Ltd.
1-21-10 Shinkawa, Chuo-ku, Tokyo 104-0033

zenschool detailes
Schedule date
Regarding the schedule of the course, after the third applicant is confirmed, I will decide the schedule of everyone to adjust. Since it is held for three consecutive days, it is possible to reduce the burden of transportation expenses by limiting the number of people going to Tokyo and participating from rural areas. Please apply first.
Course fee
Course fee
After the course schedule is confirmed, a cancellation fee will be charged, please be sure to check the cancellation policy and apply.
350,000 yen (excluding tax)
zenschool Master

Kouji Miki
CEO & Founder of enmono Co., Ltd.
After going through Fujitsu Limited, he graduated Keio University postgraduate doctor course credits, was a part-time lecturer at Mie University, and a part-time lecturer at Kobe University. Prior to joining NCS Network, he was a director in charge of IT and engaged in basic design, construction and operation of 16000 WEB sites nationwide. Established enmono in 2009. We support many town factories and support our own development of numerous town plants.
Product development is characterized not only by having "own products", but also on product premise assuming that it monetizes as a business, while developing the possibility of marketing route. Specialty is corporate strategy utilizing product development theory and social media. -manufacturing ".

Shigeru Utsunomiya
Director of enmono Co., Ltd.
After graduating from Doshisha University, after 18 years of experience in production technology at Suzuki Corporation, after working at the town factory as a manager of the Production Technology Division, he joined the small and medium manufacturing industries venture, NC network and met Miki. As a production engineer and procurement manager, he was engaged in selection of trial product manufacturers and sales support such as parts procurement.
After that, he started enmono Co., Ltd. with Miki 2009. From experience of having served as a facilitation of idea idea workshop for power generation conference for two years, we have strengths in extracting ideas of our own product development.

Q: What are the biggest benefits of taking a zenschool?
A: zenschool is not a simple seminar for own product development. Based on the idea of icro-manufacturing, we will develop prototyping and our own products without cost as much as possible, and publish it on the crowdfunding, letting the world PR to propose our own technology, increase new orders and greatly expand our main business It is the greatest merit that we can realize the management reform of the company as a whole and reborn as a new business entity.
An alumnus network connected beyond the community, beyond the size of a company
In addition, zenschool has already expanded to Hamamatsu and Toyota-shi. It has also been introduced to large companies that exceed 100,000 people. Therefore, zenschool graduates nationwide can participate in each other's zenschool final presentation, so you can speak equally with the same idea of "micro-manufacturing" as an alumnus of the same zenschool It is possible to connect beyond the boundaries of large enterprises and small businesses.
Q: Is it possible to participate from outside Tokyo?
A: Yes, of course we can. Participants from outside of Tokyo so far. Osaka, Shizuoka, Saga, Fukui, Yamagata, Chiba, Kanagawa and so on. For the participants participating from the district, it is easy to participate as the schedule I will continue to maintain networks through Skype and Hangouts with graduation intentions with non-rural participants.
Q: Is not zenschool being held outside of Tokyo?
A: Yes, courses of brothers version of zenschool are held in Hamamatsu in Tokai region, and in Nagoya district, in Toyota city. The course at at Hamamatsu is called "enschool (en school) ", and a graduate of zenschool is holding with the support of Hamamatsu City. In addition, zenschool in Nagoya has created zenschool, enmono company has been entrusted by Toyota City as "zenschool in Toyota City". However, since it is only held once a year or two, please consider attending the Tokyo version of zenschool if you want to take classes immediately.
Q: I'm not a small business, can I take classes?
A: Yes, of course we can. Recently, there are are an increasing number of new business staff in The reason for this is that business personnel in large enterprises almost complete communication within the company, and often have no external contacts or networks with outside. Learning with small business owners while accepting completely different values ROM Even graduates of large enterprises, after graduation, raise their luxury skills, many people who are active as innovators among large companies.
Q: What is the schedule of the course?
A: As for the schedule of the course, after three applicants are confirmed, I will decide the schedule of everyone to adjust. Since it is held for three consecutive days, it is possible to reduce the number of times to go to Tokyo and reduce the burden of transportation expenses. Please apply first.
Q: I am wondering whether to attend zenschool, but what kind of training can I take?
A: There is no particular relation with age, sex, occupation, skill to take zenschool. There are people in their 60s who have been taking classes so far. Also, occupations are various, such as smartphone development developer, major manufacturer SE, small business diagnostician, consult, small and medium manufacturing industry.
Age and occupation are irrelevant for taking out the excitement in our own mind, we need some kind of skill to shape the excited things, but also to make it resolved by collaboration with the students' students I can. If you are concerned about attending, please do not hesitate to contact us from the inquiry form first.
Q: What kind of framework does the contents of zenschool course consist of?
A: The lecture program of zenschool is developed based on our own product development framework that develops our own products without cost as much as possible, developed independently by our company "micro manufacturing". If you would like to know about this product, please visit here. Also, you can purchase the book "Start Making Micro-Monozukuri", so please refer it if you do not mind.
Q: Does it seems that the number of students each time is limited to 4 people?
A: The number of participants in this course is limited to 4 people every year. We are limiting participants because we put enough emphasis on each and everyone's emphasis on getting excited from participants. Even after graduation, four synchronized students will continue to attend classes. By synchronizing four people, we will create an environment in which product development can continue even after graduation.
Q: Does zenschool learn not only manufacturing but also cloud funding?
A: Yes, zenschool can learn not only product development, but also product planning, design method, business model, costing, costing, crowd funding, prototypes in total, after the graduation we operate zenmono It can be posted on the cloud funding, and it is possible to procure the actual funds.
Q: I want to do cloud funding after graduating from zenschool, is it possible?
A: zenschool not only works on school, but also through manufacturing network of graduates so far, we will do manufacturing. Once the prototype of manufacturing has been completed, products that have reached a certain quality can be posted on Cloud Funding.
Q: Will not leak product development ideas shared in zenschool?
A: The student of zenschool wants to take a course after signing a confidentiality oath agreement not to steal or leak the individual product idea individually with our company at the time of the first class attendance So do not worry.
Q: Although it is supposed to produce a prototype at the time of the announcement, it is not a manufacturing industry, so it can not be done.
A: It is not specialized in manufacturing, you do not need to make your final prototype yourself. At the time of the announcement, it is enough if there is functional prototyping using paper clay or grid paper.
After full-fledged development, we will introduce the network of graduates of the manufacturing industry after graduation, so we will collaborate with those in the manufacturing industry to create it. Of course, if you can make a prototype in the manufacturing industry, you can also make a presentation using a prototype with a high degree of completeness.
Q: Payment is divided into batch and divided, but what are the differences?
A: In case of payment at one time (Tokyo venue), it becomes 350,000 yen plus consumption tax. In addition, in case of payment by split, it will be 50,000 yen at the time of admission and 30,000 yen X 12 months, so it will be a total 410,000 yen plus consumption tax. Please do not worry because the service contents will not change.
If you have any other questions please questions please use the contact form.
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