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Metaverse Zazen session at Metaverse Dokuonji

This event will be accompanied by English guidance. International participants are welcome!

開催日: 2022年5月4日(水)20:00-22:00(19:45から入場可能)

定員40名 / Capacity of 40 persons

Date: Wednesday, May 4, 2022, 20:00-22:00 JST (admission from 19:45 JST)




Metaverse Zazen Session to Experience Zazen in the Metaverse

  We have planned a Zazen session in the Metaverse for those who are anxious about the future due to the new coronavirus, etc., and for those who are in the hospital and cannot participate in the Zazen session.

 Kouji Miki, CEO of enmono Co., Ltd. has been saved by Zen, and with the cooperation of Soin Fujio, the chief abbot of Dokuonji Temple of the Kenchoji School of Rinzai Zen Buddhism, we have planned the Metaverse Zazen session to refresh everyone's mind and body through Zen and technology.

メタバース独園寺・Metaverse Dokuonji


At the Metaverse Dokuonji, you can do zazen while gazing at the moon.


Lunch time at Dokuonji Temple (view of Mt. Fuji from Enoshima Island)

藤尾聡允 (ふじお そういん)



Souin Fujio

Chief priest of Dokuonji Temple, Kenchoji School of Rinzai Zen Buddhism

While teaching Zazen and giving Buddhist lectures for foreigners at Kenchoji Temple in Kamakura, he also holds meditation and workshops for counseling and mental health care for Japanese and foreigners as co-chairman of the "Association of Buddist Priests Cnfonting Self-death and Suicide". He also conducts gatekeeper, volunteers who help the depressed and suicidal, training courses at various health centers and teaches Zen mediation through movement (tai chi) for the mentally disabled. He has also been invited by hospitals, police departments, boards of education, boards of probation officers, embassies, corporations, universities, and high schools to give lectures and workshops on suicide and listening, and to serve on suicide prevention committees. He also teaches gatekeeper training courses and zazen and dynamic Zen meditation through movement (tai chi) for the mentally disabled at various public health centers. After graduating from Meiji University with a bachelor's degree in Commerce, he joined Kyowa Bank (now Resona Bank), where he worked for 13 years overseas in New York, Singapore, Bangkok, and other locations.


Video of the dialogue in the Metaverse with Master Fujio




●Date and time

Wednesday, May 4, 2022, 20:00-22:00 JST (admission starts at 19:45)

●Fee: free


 ◆主催挨拶    ・坐禅その1


  ・坐禅その2   ・ダイアローグ


  ・Zazen Part 1


  ・Zazen Part 2





・The zazen session will be held on a virtual monitor, "zoom" inside the metaverse temple.

・After the zazen session, you will be able to talk with Soin Fujio through his avatar in the metaverse.

・This event will be guided in English. International participants are also welcome!



All you need is a PC or smartphone to participate; a VR headset is not required. (Account creation required). 
*For a better enjoyment of this zazen session, we recommend you to participate with a VR headset and earphones!


参加するためには、PC、スマフォ、VRヘッドセットどれからも参加することが可能です。 お気軽にご参加ください。事前にSpatialにアカウントを作成するとスムーズに参加できます。  ↓

To participate, you can do so from any PC, smartphone, or VR headset.

Please feel free to join us. Please create an account on Spatial in advance for smooth participation.

 ↓ アカウント作成には以下のマニュアルを御覧ください。

To create an account, please refer to the following link



●Cancellation Policy

However, if you are unable to attend the event, please let us know as soon as possible so that we can notify those who are expected to attend. We would appreciate your cooperation in providing as many people as possible with the opportunity to participate.


三木 康司 Kouji Miki 株式会社enmono代表取締役 富士通株式会社に入社。慶應義塾大学にて政策・メディア修士号を取得後、博士課程へ進学、ITベンチャー役員を務めた後、事業悪化に伴いリストラされる。ショックから立ち直るため、毎朝の坐禅を開始。自分の心のケアと新事業のアイディアを坐禅を通して着想した経験をもとに、マインドフルネスを活用したイノベーション経営手法「zenschool」の提供開始。2016年1月「ガイアの夜明け」に報道される。 2017年9月、北鎌倉の建長寺にて日本初の国際マインドフルネスカンファレンス、「Zen2.0」を主宰、国内外のスピーカーを集め高い評価を受ける。当初4名で立ち上げた「Zen2.0」は、5年で、オランダのアムステルダム・鎌倉・米国サンフランシスコとつないだ、世界最大の禅とマインドフルネスの国際カンファレンスへと成長した。現在では、鎌倉を禅とITの融合したマインドフル・シティにするために活動している。 2020年から、新型コロナ感染の拡大にともなって、メタバースの新規事業を、メタバース空間の中で考える新規事業講座「zenschoolMetaverse」を開始、メタバースの中での新規事業構築に取り組んでいる。著書として、「マイクロモノづくり始めよう」、『「禅的」対話で社員の意識を変えた トゥルー・イノベーション』などがある。 経歴詳細はこちらを参照ください。

Guide & MC

Kouji Miki CEO of enmono Co., Ltd.

Joined Fujitsu Limited. After receiving a master's degree in Media and Governance from Keio University, he entered a doctoral program and served as a board member of an IT venture company before being laid off due to the deterioration of the business. To recover from the shock, he started practicing zazen every morning. He started "zenschool," a mindfulness-based innovation management method, based on his experience of taking care of his own mind and coming up with ideas for new businesses through zazen.

In September 2017, presided over Japan's first international mindfulness conference, "Zen2.0," at Kenchoji Temple in Kitakamakura, attracting speakers from Japan and abroad, and receiving high praise. In five years, Zen2.0 has grown from a four-person event to the world's largest international conference on Zen and mindfulness, connecting Amsterdam, the Netherlands; Kamakura, Japan; and San Francisco, USA. Today, he is working to make Kamakura a mindful city that combines Zen and IT.

In 2020, with the spread of the new corona infection, he started "zenschoolMetaverse," a new business course to think about new businesses in the metaverse space, and is working on building new businesses in the metaverse. He is the author of "Let's Start Micro-Monozukuri" and "Zen-like" Dialogue Changed Employees' Consciousness True Innovation.
For more information on his career, please click here.

【主催】 株式会社enmono

株式会社enmonoは、「人のご縁でモノづくりをする」という社名の由来で、富士通出身の三木と、スズキ出身の宇都宮で2009年11月11日東京新橋に創業。 経営理念は、「ワクワクするモノづくりで世界が元気になる」。大量生産、大量消費に対して、ソーシャルネットワーク、クラウドファンディングを用いて、町工場自らメーカーになる「マイクロモノづくり」を提唱し、次世代経営人材育成事業・自社製品開発コンサルティング・クラウドファンディング運事業を主要事業としています。 次世代経営人材育成事業の一環で、2011年3月より「zenschool®」を運営し、zenschoolで培われた育成方法を、2018年に「トゥルー・イノベーション®」理論として体系化し、zenschoolは日本全国で展開されています。卒業生も2022年2月現在198名にのぼり、卒業生同士の事業コラボも多数生まれています。 HP: note:

Organaizer: enmono Co., Ltd.

enmono Co., Ltd. was founded in Tokyo Shimbashi on November 11, 2009 by Miki, a Fujitsu graduate, and Utsunomiya, a Suzuki graduate. enmono's company name is derived from the phrase "manufacturing through human connections. The company's management philosophy is to "energize the world through exciting monozukuri. In contrast to mass production and mass consumption, we advocate "micro manufacturing," in which local factories themselves become manufacturers using social networks and crowdfunding.

As part of its next-generation management human resource development business, the company has been operating "zenschool®" since March 2011, and in 2018 systematized the training methods developed at zenschool into the "True Innovation®" theory. zenschool is now being expanded nationwide in Japan. As of February 2022, the number of graduates has reached 198, and many business collaborations between graduates have been created.



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